Contact & Subscribe

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If you would like to contact me for anything else or provide feedback on the good, the bad, and the ugly, please email “[email protected]”. I cannot promise I will respond as I have two kids who need there dad! So make it interesting.

2 thoughts on “Contact & Subscribe”

  1. Hi John, this is Bex. I was the parent present for the xtods meeting. Just listening to your podcast. Would love to ask you some questions 07946031431 if your free to WhatsApp

  2. Hi again,

    Just checking in to follow up on the article idea I shared. I’d love to contribute a piece that offers guidance to parents on how to spark and sustain a love of learning in their children. It would include practical strategies like nurturing curiosity, supporting exploration, and creating a positive learning space at home.

    Would this be something you’d consider for your site? I’d really appreciate your thoughts.

    Take care,
    Jason Kenner
    “I’m just a dad trying to be a good parent.” 🙂

    P.S. Reach out to me with a suggestion for a topic that would be better for your website if you don’t like the one I’ve provided. Alternatively, if you’d prefer not to hear from me again, do let me know.

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